Powering The World

Welcome To No. #1 Best Solar Energy Company In Kenya

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NHC 55A Ole Sangale Road
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
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visit our location:
NHC 55A Ole Sangale Road
Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 8am-5pm
Send us mail
Phone Number
+254 720953572
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Solar Power Systems

Rafiki Solar Limited offers a comprehensive range of Solar Power Systems services, including Off-Grid Solar Power Installation and Grid-tied Solar System Installation. Here’s a detailed scope of these services:

Off-Grid Solar Power System

  1. Consultation and Site Assessment:

    • Initial consultation to understand the client’s energy needs and preferences.
    • Detailed site assessment to determine the optimal placement of solar panels, inverters, batteries, and other components.
  2. System Design and Engineering:

    • Customized system design based on the site assessment and energy requirements.
    • Engineering of off-grid solar power systems to ensure reliability, efficiency, and long-term performance.
  3. Component Procurement:

    • Procurement of high-quality solar panels, inverters, charge controllers, batteries, mounting structures, and other necessary components.
    • Collaboration with reputable suppliers to ensure product quality and reliability.
  4. Installation and Commissioning:

    • Professional installation of solar panels, inverters, batteries, and related equipment by certified technicians.
    • Stringent quality control measures during installation to ensure safety and optimal system performance.
    • Thorough testing and commissioning of the off-grid solar power system to verify functionality and efficiency.
  5. Training and Support:

    • Comprehensive training for end-users on system operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
    • Ongoing technical support and assistance to address any issues or queries related to the off-grid solar power system.
  6. Monitoring and Maintenance:

    • Implementation of monitoring systems to track energy production, consumption, and system performance.
    • Regular maintenance services, including cleaning, inspection, and component replacements, to maximize system lifespan and efficiency.
    • Prompt response to maintenance requests and proactive measures to prevent potential issues.
  7. Warranty and Guarantee:

    • Warranty coverage for solar panels, inverters, batteries, and other components as per manufacturer’s terms.
    • Guarantee of system performance and reliability, ensuring customer satisfaction and peace of mind.

Grid-tied/Hybrid Power System

  1. Initial Consultation and Analysis:

  • Consultation to assess the client’s energy needs, grid connection requirements, and feasibility of grid-tied solar system installation.
  • Analysis of utility bills and potential cost savings with a grid-tied solar power system.
  1. Design and Permitting:

    • Customized system design tailored to the client’s energy goals and budget.
    • Preparation and submission of necessary permits and approvals for grid-tied solar system installation.
  2. Component Selection and Procurement:

    • Selection of high-quality solar panels, inverters, monitoring systems, and other components based on project requirements.
    • Procurement from reputable suppliers to ensure reliability and performance.
  3. Installation and Grid Connection:

    • Professional installation of solar panels, inverters, and monitoring equipment by experienced technicians.
    • Coordination with utility companies for grid connection and metering arrangements.
  4. Testing, Commissioning, and Interconnection:

    • Thorough testing and commissioning of the grid-tied solar system to ensure compliance with safety standards and optimal performance.
    • Interconnection with the grid and verification of bi-directional energy flow for net metering or feed-in tariff arrangements.
  5. Training and Documentation:

    • Training for system operators on monitoring, maintenance, and grid interaction protocols.
    • Documentation of system specifications, warranties, and interconnection agreements for reference and compliance purposes.
  6. Monitoring, Maintenance, and Support:

    • Implementation of monitoring systems to track energy production, grid interactions, and performance metrics.
    • Regular maintenance services, including cleaning, inspections, and performance evaluations, to maximize system efficiency and longevity.
    • Responsive technical support and troubleshooting assistance to address any issues or optimize system performance.
  7. Warranty and Performance Guarantee:

    • Warranty coverage for solar panels, inverters, and other components as per manufacturer’s terms.
    • Guarantee of system performance and energy production, ensuring tangible benefits and return on investment for the client.

Rafiki Solar Limited’s Solar Power Systems services encompass a comprehensive approach from initial consultation to ongoing support, ensuring reliable, efficient, and sustainable energy solutions for residential, commercial, and industrial clients.

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